Vendors got the notice that the Kiwanis Club of Stratford has made the difficult decision to cancel the Garlic Festival this year.
I discovered that it may have been advertised in some media as an up-and-coming event. It was intended to continue this year; however, the ongoing social distancing rules proved too much for the organizers to humanly navigate. It takes an atomic clock to keep up with the news these days. So to clear up confusion wherever possible, I thought I'd put up a notice on my blog.
I expect we will be doing more online sales this year, through the Catalogue that I e-mail to you in August, if you've signed up or asked to be on the mailing list. I also post the Catalogue on this blog in August, under it's own page.
I very much invite customers to pick up their orders at our farm! I am positive we can come up with a comfortable solution for picking up orders in September.
The half-acre of garlic in our field is looking pretty good so far. Only three leek moths were caught in the traps so far this season, so it looks like the pressure from those pests will be minimal. I'm looking forward to a good harvest!
All the best to you,